“I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.”

Takeshi Shudo

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Seek the Sublime

I see my soul.

I, Aurora Celaestis, The Heavenly Light,
Beautiful and Magnificent,
Devoid of any vicious blight.

I see my future.

Clear as a Diamond crystal.
Sturdy as the hardest Stone.
The future lies ahead of me,
Vivid, certain, and strong.

No stopping, ever pursuing,
It's my destiny, my life.

To soar with fervent zeal,
Try, fail, and try once more
Failure is my twin.
Success my shadow.
After every darkness or shade,
To fail, maybe.
After every light in space,
To succeed, I see.

No stopping ever pursuing,
I am my destiny, my life.

The universe is my entity,
Perfect and grand.
Tomorrow is infinity.
Seek the sublime.

1 comment:

carl uno said...

i really like your backdrop! how do you do it??