...i am DeiSt...
...a seLf-confessed beLiever in Deism
...in mind, in heart and in souL.
Never did I imagined there exist a group of peopLe who, Like me, beLieve in a God and dismiss reveaLed reLigions...
Before, i was stunned by my view of the worLd and existence of Life..
I was born to a Christian famiLy, babtized to the Christian reLigion. Expected to foLLow the Christian doctrines and Laws...to beLieve in the bibLe..reveLation...the Word of God.
Then, i started being skepticaL about the origin of everything...I started to doubt the writings of the bibLe and the way of worship in the church and it's priests and foLLowers..
Ever since, i never Liked going to church...i've toLd this to severaL friends and they've been aLL disagreeing with me. I know it wouLd be hard making them understand, but being a DeiSt, i am happy..
I've been thinking of changing my reLigion for so many times now...i didn't Like the Christian teachings...it's as if i am so pressured & i can't have much freedom to express my mind concerning God and creation...peopLe around me wouLd sureLy oppose me and insist the teachings of reveaLed reLigions and wouLd not, even for a second, wouLd listen to me. The more I read and understand the bibLe, the more i Lose my faith in the things that don't reaLLy exist and aLL just Lies...
...i am a DeiSt..not an athEist...I believe God exists. God can't be seen nor can be touched. It can't even be perceived by the human mind. But, the things around us enough evidence...the worLd, nature and us...we aLL know there is no creation without a creator. He is somewhere, just watching over us..
..i hated to beLong in a religion where beLievers just go to the church, pray with everybody without even knowing the reaL reasOn of their faiths & the doctrines & dogmas...the purpose of their reLigion. Without caring if they're beLieving in Lies and faLse teachings. For me, these peopLe are weak. In the sense, that they see reveaLed reLigions as a way to enrich their futiLe minds and because everybody worships and beLieves in one common beLief..they wouLd say, "everybody does, then, I shouLd do so...the majority beLieves, then it's the truth."...fantasizing it is the truth. They wouLdn't waste time thinking if it's the truth...they wouldn't bother thinking reasons and answers to uLtimate inquiries everybody asks. It's a shame they didn't have the courage to question their reLigion.
..free-wiLL..we had this from the day we took our first breath to the worLd...God doesn't controL us...ReLigions beLieve that God controLs us and our destiny...what happens to us is the wiLL of God...NO...we are putting our freedom and our Lives to someone that doesn't exist physicaLLy here on earth! It's Like saying your Letting a ghost to controL your Life! God just watches, and never interfere on how we act and speak...but, ofcourse we shouLdn't be abusive...there is a naturaL Law which shouLd be foLLowed. We, Deists beLieve and are obLiged to foLLow these ruLes...
..it feeLs good to finaLLy break free from the fantasies and Lies reveaLed reLigions do...especiaLLy being a Christian...
...Not everybody beLieves n Lies because everybody does. There are some peopLe out there who thirsts for knowLedge, enLightenment and truth...
........jOin us... WorLd Union of Deist and visit our site deism.com
ze Goddess
...a seLf-confessed beLiever in Deism
...in mind, in heart and in souL.
Never did I imagined there exist a group of peopLe who, Like me, beLieve in a God and dismiss reveaLed reLigions...
Before, i was stunned by my view of the worLd and existence of Life..
I was born to a Christian famiLy, babtized to the Christian reLigion. Expected to foLLow the Christian doctrines and Laws...to beLieve in the bibLe..reveLation...the Word of God.
Then, i started being skepticaL about the origin of everything...I started to doubt the writings of the bibLe and the way of worship in the church and it's priests and foLLowers..
Ever since, i never Liked going to church...i've toLd this to severaL friends and they've been aLL disagreeing with me. I know it wouLd be hard making them understand, but being a DeiSt, i am happy..
I've been thinking of changing my reLigion for so many times now...i didn't Like the Christian teachings...it's as if i am so pressured & i can't have much freedom to express my mind concerning God and creation...peopLe around me wouLd sureLy oppose me and insist the teachings of reveaLed reLigions and wouLd not, even for a second, wouLd listen to me. The more I read and understand the bibLe, the more i Lose my faith in the things that don't reaLLy exist and aLL just Lies...
...i am a DeiSt..not an athEist...I believe God exists. God can't be seen nor can be touched. It can't even be perceived by the human mind. But, the things around us enough evidence...the worLd, nature and us...we aLL know there is no creation without a creator. He is somewhere, just watching over us..
..i hated to beLong in a religion where beLievers just go to the church, pray with everybody without even knowing the reaL reasOn of their faiths & the doctrines & dogmas...the purpose of their reLigion. Without caring if they're beLieving in Lies and faLse teachings. For me, these peopLe are weak. In the sense, that they see reveaLed reLigions as a way to enrich their futiLe minds and because everybody worships and beLieves in one common beLief..they wouLd say, "everybody does, then, I shouLd do so...the majority beLieves, then it's the truth."...fantasizing it is the truth. They wouLdn't waste time thinking if it's the truth...they wouldn't bother thinking reasons and answers to uLtimate inquiries everybody asks. It's a shame they didn't have the courage to question their reLigion.
..free-wiLL..we had this from the day we took our first breath to the worLd...God doesn't controL us...ReLigions beLieve that God controLs us and our destiny...what happens to us is the wiLL of God...NO...we are putting our freedom and our Lives to someone that doesn't exist physicaLLy here on earth! It's Like saying your Letting a ghost to controL your Life! God just watches, and never interfere on how we act and speak...but, ofcourse we shouLdn't be abusive...there is a naturaL Law which shouLd be foLLowed. We, Deists beLieve and are obLiged to foLLow these ruLes...
..it feeLs good to finaLLy break free from the fantasies and Lies reveaLed reLigions do...especiaLLy being a Christian...
...Not everybody beLieves n Lies because everybody does. There are some peopLe out there who thirsts for knowLedge, enLightenment and truth...
........jOin us... WorLd Union of Deist and visit our site deism.com
ze Goddess
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