Nobody ever told me what being normal would really mean. I don't have the precise idea of it's nature, and how would I know? I don't think I'll ever know.
Does it seem normal being normal everyday? Or maybe it would be just on the person's own reality, that one she made for herself. In the eye of the people beyond her reality, she doesn't look any bit normal. She, in their own point of view, is extreme or maybe just a leap beyond normal. But if it's something beyond the boundary of normality then, therefore it's already on the edge of abnormality! In simple words, she is not normal. So what's the point? Do I want to know how it is to know what being normal is? Or do I just really want to know if I pass the test for abnormality? When I say "she" I mean "me", and to base from what I just stated, I am extreme or just a leap beyond normal, so what's the point again? The point is that I want you to know that I am not normal, in every sense and in every point of view. People see me and considered me weird, and I, too, consider myself different, though I always aim to fit in, I just couldn't. Why could'nt I? What is it that's wrong with me? Why can't I fit in? I'm not saying I'd want to fit in the whole cliche, but just somehow be part of a group of individuals who wouldn't see me weird or a step distant from their own mental stability. I'm feeling that there's something bad in me, that pulling negative force that drowns me to suffocation, that bad air that pollutes anybody who dared open the container, that deadly toxin that poisons a curious individual who would want to spill the liquid, and what's the purpose?! To kill me and those people that I want to be with? So that's it then, the simple answer to my stupid and pointless query.
By any abnormal circumstances, I am not allowed to be normal with any normal person in this normal world! Because I am not normal, and I live inside my not-so-normal world, along with all the unnatural negative forces which pulls me down and down to the utmost realm of abnormality.
What else is there to ponder upon? Nothing more! Enough of senseless questions that surely leads to pointless answers that makes no sense at all..
you're amazing...,
from the point you said you're not normal... you just proved yourself wrong kiyuki...
you have just proved you're thinking clear and you are thinking the normal way...
=) keep up... NORMAL GIRL...
...REALLY??? you think so?...i thought I was thinking distorted and crazy...w
I didnt know it was normal...hahahahaha
thanks kira!
there's no big problem in having youe self different from others. there are times that the words thrown by people around us, especially our peers affect us so much that we do not usually reactor ponder the way we do in ordinary days. I mean therte are times that we are more sensitive or more critical about what other people say especially when the things that they are saying are about our identity or personality.
we have our own abnormalities, try this one, if you think you are abnormal, why then are you with the so-called / appers-to-be/ people-who-see-themselves normal socializing, interacting and mingling wtogether with with You? If there are normal and you are abnormal why are you sharing the same world? If you are nobody, who are they? are they nobody too? then there's a bunch of you! If you are abnormal, what are they? are they abnormal too? you are with them, then there's a bunch of you!
ahehehe that's all I wana say. I hope I made you more NORMAL!!!
what you see is what you get. but the naked eye can't always tell the truth. dig inside, dig deep. look beyond expectations.
being normal is different from abnormal and being abnormal is very different from being normal. only you can state what you are...
nonetheless, i like it! you really have outdone yourself this time. you are NORMAL... but a very extra ordinary woman in Adam's eye!
it's a horsy-horsy reality.....
to the community of horses, there is what they call "norm"... you just got your norm from them and unconsciously apply it to the community of human beings- that makes you abnormal hahahaha
well miss bogacki, i think i get you...and comprehensive at that one..
you made me think too, yes, are they abnormal too????
then there would be a bunch of us, abnormals who live in a normal world(so-called)..hhahaaha...thanks for that, that made me feel a teeny bit normal, knowing im not the only abnormal person alive...
dear carl,
i hope i can state definitely what i am...but that's the hardest part! whew...
an extraordinry woman...yeah, who's adam by the way? adam sandler?????
wattever you got from your stinky group of goats and rams, dont mess it here..as if you knew my community, DUHHH!!!!
Meh meh...
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