"Fools live to regret their words, wise men to regret their silence." -William Henry |
To begin with, allow me to introduce myself. I am D3*67 Mistress Gaga, from the Poka race in the farthest region of the planet Badmouth, located in the Andromeda galaxy. It is a great opportunity for me to able to meet the Human race of the planet Earth, to mingle with these kind and beautiful people.
They have befriended me, welcomed me warmly to their place. And I, with all my heart accepted their invitation. However differences will always be differences.
It is really difficult to cope up with the changing and strange happenings I've experienced here on Earth. Despite the happy memories I had with Humanity, there was a backlash to my being an alien. My culture is far way different than them. My personality which was richly nurtured from my own people, the Pokans, became disastrous when I decided to cohabit with the Humans for a little longer.
Back home, my race was blessed with the gift of the gab, we were extraordinarily best in our facility of language. Communication was never a problem for us. It was always our tradition to use our voices, the greatest gifts from the Most Intelligent Being. It is considered a taboo to refrain from talking, however for morality's sake, none was allowed to speak lies, but only the truth. We were always honest and frank of our doings and feelings, making it a lot more easier to converse, heal, learn, and be informed.
The word speechless is never found in our dictionary, so when I get to study a language subject on Earth, I was flabbergasted when a classmate replied, "I'm speechless" when the teacher threw a question. Another phrase I would never forget from hearing my Human friends talk is, "No comment!" The Pokans would either kick me in the shin or slap me thrice if I won't say anything when I am asked, though it had never happened and it never will.
Words can either hurt or heal. It's true, but at the endpoint of every thing that has been said, words are still the best healer. When we're hurt just a comfort of a friend's little words lightens, when we need assurance, a simple OK suffices. So being hurt is just a part of the process of healing. Let me remind you that hurt is temporary, if you've been hurt by barbed words, take it easy, it's not intended to kill you in an instant. Like barbed wires, barbed words are meant to warn you. It means caution.
Speaking the truth is just as important as breathing fresh air. It was a culture I've acquired from my people to never take back what you've said. Your words are the language not just of your mind but of your emotion and your soul. We are not afraid to speak, because we know, we are talking only of the truth, and are concern of only the truth.
It was also odd for Humans to take in deeply the words said, as if each and every letter in their alphabet was toxic that it needs care in handling when spilled. They believe in regret, especially in saying something bad. Human Beings are so inclined into saying good things, whether it's the truth or what they so-call white lie. You had to be careful not to say something bad, for it may hurt the person, even if you think it's the truth. On the other hand, Pokans talk like there's no tomorrow, they talk as if every second is precious. So whatever comes out from their mouths are really what they think, feel and believe...in that moment.
I told a story yesterday, and I surprised you today with a contradicting story, so don't be shocked to hear me talk another different story tomorrow...that's how we are. That's how Mistress Gaga is.
However I talk, I only speak the truth, of what I see or hear is true, of what I believe and prove to be true. Opportunities, words, and time are three things you can never take back. I take responsibility of the consequences of spending each one, in any way, and I have no regrets.
Love me or hate me...
Yours truly,
..........Mistress Gaga
Wahahahahaha...may new post na ako! Wahahahaha!
I am different from you..I am who i am..I am the person you do not know and will never know...For I am someone without identity..I show my reaL seLf to the worLd..Yet the reaLity which is hidden from everyone who stares at me..They see the different...They see the unreaL...They see not me but the one they expect to be me..I taLk a Lot..But i speak onLy one thing..Yet peopLe hear different meanings..But i dont know if there's anyone who Listens carefuLLy..I move careLessLy and with no direction...and no one should care..I am free and happy...Though my Life can't bear...Is what you see in me reaL or fake??Am i HAppy or is it my facade?Think whatever..No one is perfect..Don't brand me somebody...Nor expect anything from me...
..I am the CHANGE that forever will be UNCHANGED..
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