“I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.”

Takeshi Shudo

Monday, August 1, 2016

To Conform or Not To Conform

December 27, 2013
On another thought, as a woman, I've never dreamed for a prince to bring me to his castle and give me all the luxuries in life, although it would've been a great fantasy in a general POV. I am better than that because I dreamed for a great man to stand in front of you, and behind his success was me.

Man will not make me. I will make the man. Then, in turn, we will make us. (Defying the conventional thought of pretty girls vying to be ahead of everybody through luring the rich men on earth)

I used to believe I was a virtuoso, but now how I've come to realise, contrarily, I am utilitarian. Talking about material things, I value use over beauty. I guess your materialistic craze over luxury and your illogical lust for status and money disgusts me more so, to be utterly like you. It must have been a nonsensical thing to grasp that it’s better to enjoy the benefits of one's own efforts, succeed by one's own independence, and move forward without offending any right at your peripheral visions. I could hardly fathom myself on the couch, with various things I bought or had been bought for me which I don't practically need.

I could not nor would I ever conform to your standards.

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