“I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.”

Takeshi Shudo

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

bE fAir wiTh mE

The Right to Live.

The Right to Freedom.

What are these and the other natural laws for? It is for humanity, for everybody, for us to live a happy and peaceful life. Isn't it a stand for everyone of us to always be equal to one another? In the eyes of God, we are all equal as what religion has told us. In the hands of the Government, they say we have equal rights as stated in the Constitution and by-laws.

I have noticed the strangeness, the peculiarity of the word "equality" in all it's sense as how it is viewed by society nowadays.It is already strange for me, an alienated concept from a long lost world of morality. A peculiar thing that everyone wishes to have, when the nature of it now is twisted and questionable. In the fangs of evilness, was Fred ever saved from such fate? he never done wrong to his religion, to the government, but why is life and freedom deprived from him? From his wife? From his son? The equality religion and government promised them, was it all in vain? He doesn't have the right to be discriminated, to be considered as a dirty pig in the society, to be stepped on, to be crushed by the cruelty of his own kin. Life is miserable and hateful. Peace and freedom, but it just slips away like sands on clenched fists. Fred and his race wanted to escape from such brutal fate handed to them by the wretched demons, and they strive so hard to finally live in a serene field of flowers blooming and the wind blowing comfort to their napes.

Consequences, rewards, trades or payments, are these of taking something in giving up another? It is said that God empties your hands in order for you to receive a much bigger blessing, thus, it is inevitable in losing. If Fred was disagreeable to the harsh reality of his wife and sons death, what is there left for him to agree to? Pretending no reality like such would be real, pretending it was just a game. But, it was a game of life and death.

And then, God empties his hand. And what was taken from him was life. His family's life, his life.In the irony of it all, he proved that though destiny have given him enough pain, suffering and hardships, he pretended that all was OK, all will be alright in time, lied the ironic situation to the child that life is beautiful. But, it is for the pure heart to see, that indeed, life is extraordinarily beautiful.

(This was an essay I made few months ago. I've changed the identity of the characters, but they resemble some characters of the movie, "Life Is Beautiful".)

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