..but, this is in accordance to my own ideas and thoughts....wether you, the one reading this now...accept my view 'bout things or not...fu ques tet ahL.....
...this about my beLief in Life..my view about everyone and everything....
..I know I have a Lot of probLems, a Lot of dreams, a Lot of tragic misfortunes during my Lifetime...but, Let me teLL you, none of these ever stopped me from doing what my heart, no, my souL wants me to do. yes, i aLso stress 'bout things..but I was never the one to give up...once, I gave in to the pain..stiLL, I stood up...healed the wounds..finaLLy ceased the pain...
..i woudn't stiLL be aLive if I never seek guidance and heLp...from friends, Loved ones, and even from a voice deep within my unconciousness...and who's that?
..no One knows..some say t'was God...some say t'was my inner seLf...
...I do beLieve there is God...somewhere..i know a great wise One exist...why wouLd you think reaLity exist? and how? ofcourse someone must have made it..a creator...I respect other beLiefs about divine origins...but I can't heLp wondering how the beLiefs were formed..how they, the peopLe couLd accept it's formaL teachings....
'..being someone who is so inquisitive gives me a Lot of troubLes! ..even some of my friends compLain. But it's just my way to find enLightenment...
..i've read a magazine..and there was a quote there..."I've stopped praying and beLieving for a whiLe now and I am happy. I reaLized I don't Like beLieving and worshipping something that don't really even exist.." -to paraphrase it....and she was 15 years oLd...I am not aLone with this beLief...
..I am open to other reLigions and their teaching....then, I try to compare my beLiefs with theirs...I Listen to them as they teLL me stories of their own Gods and their own understanding of faith and existence...
'I accept the truth that a God exists...reaLity or fiction...there is God'
..I have a God...someone who is guiding me..someone who created me...who, I know Loves me because He opened me to this wonderfuL worLd! I know he Loves me becaUse as a human...I stiLL have Love within me...and i am happy....